Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Sixth Chamber Inward

Sea of Crisis - A trap is a device or condition that restricts movement. Sometimes you can be trapped by situations, habits, social customs, the prevailing views of your culture, or your own unwillingness to act. Usually, our traps are a combination of many things. When have you felt trapped> Identify the different aspects of the trap, the parts you could not control, the roles you might have played in being trapped, and the ways you chose to handle the situation. Did you escape, or are you still constrained by the trap? Think of who or what might help you escape now and imagine ways you can avoid this trap in the future.
Not to be flippant, but the trusty old trap map[TM]. It is one of the more invaluable tools in the shaman's pack and one that becomes worn and smoothed from use. I really do need to begin to use my inner landscapes map much more and much wiser...

Yes. There are traps and many times I can see them coming and detour. Other times, they catch me right unawares and near-disaster can occur. Steps have been taken to rectify and escape this trap, and others are identified and measures are being hammered out in my morning pages.

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