1. Do I have a concept of right and wrong, and do I have a value system to determine the difference? Is there some force within me that advises me against following a course of wrong action? Do I believe in a wrathful, punishing divine force that operates outside of my control? Or do I have a sense that it might be my own actions and attitudes that eventually lead to my punishment?
Yes. I think that much of humanity does, and we've been attempting to codify it for centuries. Sometimes I think that humanity delights in taking things that should be fairly straight forward and over-complicating them. My uncle and I were talking about this this weekend; somehow treating others as you wish to be treated came up at supper and he countered that the flaw in that philosophy was the person who wanted to be treated like a jerk and so acted like an jerk. Not so much, treat them well at first and if they prove that they want to be treated like a jerk then by all means, feel free to do so or to ignore them. I don't want to be called a jerk or be seen as a total anti-social scumbag, so I try to avoid acting like one. My internal forces are vain that way.
An outside force, like some celestial bogey-man with a Rod of Smitting? Not so much, although if there are such jobs in the universe, I'd be a bit more than 1/2 tempted to apply for any vacancies. You great moron! Taste the Rod of Smiting and despair! There's an ex-president and an ex-vice president that top my list of who I'd visit first.
I am an 'as you sow, so shall you reap' believer. Eventually, anti-social behaviour will catch you up. Ignoring your own needs, too, will catch you up. Life is constant movement toward balance and the middle road. Some lessons are more painful than others, but if we learn from them, our road gets a bit easier to walk.
2. Do I try to "get away" with things? Am I dishonest when it is to my advantage? If I have good luck, do I share my bounty with others? When I am wrong, do I admit it? Do I see the law and authority figures as hostile powerful forces who are out to get me?
Oh, let's just call it what it is, shall we? Cheating. I dislike cheating intensely; even more than I dislike being beaten at a game by someone who's having a better run of luck, more skilled, etc. There's always another day and another game to be had.
Yes, I do share my good fortune with others, although, it seems like it's been a while since the last windfall from Dama Fortuna [Yes, I do suppose that is a hint to the Universe.]
I do try to admit when I'm wrong. It's hard some times, I'm human not a saint, but when I'm wrong, there's nothing to be gained by digging my heels in and insisting that I'm right. That's just asking to lose in greater ways.
Do I see the law and authority figures as hostile powerful forces who are out to get me? Yes and no. The law is an agreed upon set of social behaviours we agree to abide by for the betterment of all. Officers of the law and politicians are appointed to ensure that these applications of law apply to all equally and fairly. In theory. In practise, well, I am old enough that idealism has been tarnished by watching these public servants in action abusing and distorting their positions of authority for personal agrandisment and gain. "Who shall watch over the guardians?" That is our job. Oh, maybe we all do get to have a Rod of Smiting, even if it takes the form of outraged letters to editors, justices, judiciary committees, etc.
Community organisers and their pens! I bet Sarah Palin would be quaking in her caribou booties at that thought if it ever made it through the hair-spray haze that surrounds her.
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